Whatever risk understanding you have, you are no longer alone in the investment markets with Tacirler Investment. We invite you to meet our Investment Advisory service and investment solutions, based on our quarter-century of experience and strong domestic capital structure.

Our Investment Advisory department shares its comments and recommendations with you on money and capital market instruments and the companies and institutions that issue them, in line with your risk profile and return targets, and does not leave you alone when making your investment decisions.

Kuars Yapı Investment Advisory Department provides "Investment Advisory" service for all capital market instruments to individual and institutional investors as a "Broadly Authorized Intermediary Institution" with its renewed authorization certificates in accordance with the new Capital Market Law No. 6362.

Investment Advisory is the activity of making written or verbal comments and recommendations about capital market instruments and the companies and institutions that issue them, with or without the request of our investors, for a specific person or a group with similar financial situations, risk and return preferences.

The ultimate goal of the Investment Advisory Department is to establish a long-term and multifaceted relationship between Kuars Yapı and our customers, and to ensure the continuation and continuity of all the services offered in line with the unchanging standard and increasing quality.

Services we provide within the scope of our Investment Advisory service:

  • Determining your risk and return preferences,
  • Preparing asset allocation and recommendations in line with your risk profile,
  • Sharing opinions and recommendations about the markets with a wide range of reports on a daily, weekly, quarterly and annual basis,
  • Creating model investment portfolios and following these portfolios closely and providing instant updates according to changing market conditions.

If you can't decide how to evaluate your savings, our Kuars Investment Advisory Department, with our expert and experienced team, is always with you with different investment alternatives.